Linux /srv and its architecture!

Guide outline

1.1. Overview
1.2. The Root Directory
1.3. /bin
1.4. /boot
1.5. /dev
1.6. /etc
1.7. /home
1.8. /initrd
1.9. /lib
1.10. /lost+found
1.11. /media
1.12. /mnt
1.13. /opt
1.14. /proc
1.15. /root
1.16. /sbin
1.17. /usr
1.18. /var
1.19. /srv
1.20. /tm
2. Glossary

Additional Linux Resources

Here is a list of resources for learning Linux:

Resources for System Administrators

Linux System Admin Guide- What is Linux Operating System and how it works
Linux System Admin Guide- What are Directory Tree and Filesystem Hierarchy in Linux
Linux System Admin Guide- Introduction to Linux File Systems for System Admins
Linux System Admin Guide- Overview of Linux Virtual Memory and Disk Buffer Cache
Linux System Admin Guide- Best Practices for Monitoring Linux Systems
Linux System Admin Guide- Best Practices for Performing Linux Boots and Shutdowns
Linux System Admin Guide- Best Practices for Making and Managing Backup Operations

Resources for Linux Kernel Programmers

How Linux Operating System Memory Management works
Comprehensive Review of Linux Kernel Operating System Processes
Comprehensive Review of Linux File System Architecture and Management
What are mechanisms behind Linux Kernel task management
How Linux Kernel Sources and Functions work
Comprehensive look at how Linux Data Structures work

Hands-on Linux classes

Linux Operating System Distributions

Comprehensive list of all Linux OS distributions
Comprehensive list of all special purpose Linux distributions
Comprehensive list of all secure Linux distributions for cybersecurity professionals

1.19. /srv


  /srv contains site-specific data which is served by this system.

  This main purpose of specifying this is so that users may find
  the location of the data files for particular service, and so that
  services which require a single tree for readonly data, writable data
  and scripts (such as cgi scripts) can be reasonably placed. Data that
  is only of interest to a specific user should go in that users'
  home directory.

  The methodology used to name subdirectories of /srv is unspecified as there
  is currently no consensus on how this should be done. One method for
  structuring data under /srv is by protocol, eg. ftp, rsync, www, and cvs.
  On large systems it can be useful to structure /srv by administrative
  context, such as /srv/physics/www, /srv/compsci/cvs, etc. This setup will
  differ from host to host. Therefore, no program should rely on a specific
  subdirectory structure of /srv existing or data necessarily being stored in
  /srv. However /srv should always exist on FHS compliant systems and should
  be used as the default location for such data.

  Distributions must take care not to remove locally placed files in these
  directories without administrator permission.

  This is particularly important as these areas will often contain both
  files initially installed by the distributor, and those added by the