Last Update: Aug 07, 2024

Introduction to Linux programming by hands-on examples

  • Free

About Course

In this course you learn how to work with Linux Operating System via its command line interface.

This hands-on course provides training on standard UNIX/Linux commands and utilities used for day to day tasks including file manipulation, program execution and control, and effective use of the shell and desktop environments. The course presents the concepts necessary to understand the way UNIX works as well as the system’s most commonly used commands. Desktop environments are also introduced from a user’s perspective, including common window managers, Open Office utilities and an introduction to configuration tools. Comprehensive hands on exercises are integrated throughout to reinforce learning and develop real competency.

Learning Objectives

You will learn:

  • Navigating the file system
  • Controlling file access
  • File and directory naming rules and conventions
  • Manipulating files and links
  • Controlling the Terminal
  • Working with vim
  • Monitoring and controlling processes
  • Using command line editing
  • Command substitution, quoting and escaping
  • Using backup commands
  • Submitting and controlling print jobs
  • Working with secure shells
  • Using GNOME and KDE GUI environments
  • Counting words, lines and characters
  • Working with compression utilities
  • Using the Zsh and bash commands

Topics and Subtopics

The following outline is covered in this course:

1- Introduction to UNIX

  • Design Philosophy
  • System Components
  • The Shell and Command Entry
  • Documentation
  • Installation and Setup

2- Basic User Commands

  • Logging In and Logging Out
  • Command Line Editing
  • Navigating the File System
  • Viewing and Copying Files
  • Controlling the Terminal
  • Sending and Receiving Mail

3- Text Editing

  • Types of Editors
  • From ed to ex to vim
  • Basic Editor Tasks with vim
  • Editing Multiple Files
  • Named Buffers
  • vim Startup File

4- UNIX Processes

  • The UNIX Process Model
  • Process States
  • Monitoring and Controlling Processes

5- The File System

  • File System Organization
  • File Types
  • File and Directory Naming Rules and Conventions
  • Commands for Navigating the File System
  • Introduction to Inodes
  • Ownership, Permissions, and Dates
  • Manipulating Files and Links
  • Manipulating Directories
  • Determining Disk Usage
  • Other File System Utilities

6- Introduction to Shells: Zsh and Fish

  • Shell Functions
  • I/O Redirection and Pipes
  • Command Separation and Grouping
  • Background Execution
  • Filename Expansion
  • Shell Variables
  • Command Substitution
  • Quoting and Escaping Metacharacters
  • Zsh Shell Features
  • Fish shell Features
  • Command Execution
  • Startup Files
  • Customizing the User Environment

7- Multitasking and Batch Processing

  • Multitasking
  • Scheduled Execution Using cron
  • The at and batch Commands

8- File Processing Utilities

  • Examining and Comparing Files
  • Reporting Differences Between Files
  • Comparing Files of Any Format
  • Displaying Data in Octal and Hex
  • Compressing Data
  • Converting File Formats

9- Backing Up Files

  • Backup Media
  • UNIX Device Names
  • tar and cpio
  • File Transport and Conversion with dd

10- Desktop Environments

  • KDE Menus, Toolbars, and Tools
  • Gnome Menus and Tools
  • LibreOffice
  • Write
  • Calc
  • Impress
  • Math
  • Draw
  • Base
  • Introduction to Ubuntu
  • Introduction to Debian

11- Homework 1

12- Homework 2

13- Homework 3



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What Is Next?

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What Will You Learn?

  • Learn new things
  • Revamp your career
  • Target IT jobs
  • Sharpen your skills
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  • A laptop or PC
  • Good Internet
  • Routine Study
  • Regular Join Class