Last Update: Aug 07, 2024

Introduction to Java programming by hands-on examples

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About Course

Coding Bootcamps school self-paced hands-on Java programming course provides an introduction to programming using the Java language. Students are introduced to the application development cycle, structure of programs, and specific language syntax. The course introduces important algorithmic constructs, string and character manipulation, dynamic memory allocation, standard I/O, and fundamental object-oriented programming concepts. The course explains the use of inheritance and polymorphism early on so the students can practice extensively in the hands-on projects.

Learning Objectives

In this course, you will learn:

  • Fundamental elements of programming
  • Interactive Development Environment (IDE) concepts
  • Classes, objects and methods
  • Declaring and instantiating a Java object
  • Using conditional and looping constructs
  • Declaring and instantiating arrays
  • Using and creating interfaces
  • Defining classes using inheritance

Topics and Subtopics

Here is the course outline:

1- Fundamentals of the Program Development Cycle

  • Computer Architecture
  • The Notion of Algorithms
  • Source Code vs. Machine Code
  • Compile-Time vs. Run-Time
  • Software Program Architecture
  • Standalone
  • Client/Server
  • Distributed
  • Web-Enabled
  • IDE (Interactive Development Environment) Concepts

2- Application Development Fundamentals

  • Structure of a Java Program
  • Memory Concepts
  • Fundamental Data Type Declarations
  • Fundamental I/O Concepts
  • Fundamental Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Precedence and Associativity
  • Building and Deploying a Java Program

3- Introduction to Classes and Objects

  • Classes, Objects and Methods
  • Object Instances
  • Declaring and Instantiating a Java Object
  • Declaring Methods
  • set and get Methods
  • Initiating Objects with Constructors
  • Primitive Types vs. Reference Types

4- Flow Control

  • Conditional Constructs
  • Looping Constructs
  • Counter-Controlled Repetition
  • Sentinel-Controlled Repetition
  • Nested Control Constructs
  • break and continue Statements
  • Structured Programming Best Practices

5- Writing Methods (Functions)

  • Static vs. Dynamic Allocation
  • Declaring Methods
  • Declaring Methods with Multiple Parameters
  • Method-Call Stack
  • Scope of Declarations
  • Argument Promotion and Casting
  • Designing Methods for Reusability
  • Method Overloading

6- Arrays

  • Purpose of Arrays
  • Declaring and Instantiating Arrays
  • Passing Arrays to Methods
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Variable-Length Argument Lists
  • Using Command-Line Arguments
  • Using Environment Variables

7- Deeper Into Classes and Objects

  • Controlling Access to Class Members
  • Referencing the Current Object Using this
  • Overloading Constructors
  • Default and No-Argument Constructors
  • Composition of Classes
  • Garbage Collection and Destructors
  • The finalize Method
  • Static Class Members

8- Defining Classes Using Inheritance

  • Superclasses and Subclasses
  • Advantages of Using Inheritance
  • protected Class Members
  • Constructors in Subclasses

9- Increasing Convenience by Using Polymorphism

  • Purpose of Polymorphic Behavior
  • The Concept of a Signature
  • Abstract Classes and Methods
  • final Methods and Classes
  • Purpose of Interfaces
  • Using and Creating Interfaces
  • Common Interfaces of the Java API

10- Files and Streams

  • Concept of a Stream
  • Class File
  • Sequential Access
  • Object Serialization to/from Sequential Access Files
  • Additional Classes



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  • Revamp your career
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  • Sharpen your skills
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