Last Update: Aug 07, 2024

Design websites with WordPress without coding

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About Course

In this self-paced course you learn how to build website in WordPress. Specifically, this hands-on class designed to give web designers the skills, tools, and knowledge to implement and maintain a WordPress site. You learn how to install and configure WordPress, and to troubleshoot, in case of problems. The course is a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises that provide practical real-world experience.

Learning Objectives

In this self-paced course, you will learn:

– Foundations of a WordPress-based website

– Basics of the WordPress User Interface

– Finding and Using WordPress Plugins

– Working with WordPress Themes

– WordPress Content Management

– WordPress Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

– Managing Multimedia with WordPress

– Troubleshooting Common WordPress Problems

Topics and Subtopics

The below outline is covered in this course:

1. Domains and Hosts: Getting the Foundation in Place

  •  Understanding DNS Basics
  • Choosing a Good Domain Name
  • Registering Your Domain Name
  • All About Web Hosts and Hosting Websites
  • How to Manage Settings and Features on Your Web Host

2. Installing WordPress on Your Own Server

  •  Installation Requirements for WordPress
  • Downloading WordPress to Install Yourself
  • Installing WordPress on Your Web Host Yourself
  • Setting Your Directory Permissions

3. Getting Around WordPress

  •  Becoming Familiar with the Dashboard
  • Posts, Pages, Tags, Media, and More: Content Administration
  • Tapping into the Core Settings for Your Blog
  • Other Settings

4. Configuring WordPress to Work Its Best

  •  Choosing the Right Settings for Your Blog
  • Moderating Comments and Comment Spam
  • Managing Additional Authors on Your Blog
  • Caching and Other Tune-Ups
  • Notes

5. How Is Different Than

  • and Complementary Differences
  • Creating Your Account
  • Setting Up Different Blogs
  • Becoming Familiar with the Dashboard
  • Getting Your Settings Right for
  • Picking the Right Theme for Your Blog
  • Configuring Sidebar Widgets on Your Blog
  • When to Add Upgrades to Your Blog
  • The Final Word
  • Summary

6. Organizing the Content on Your Blog

  •  Understanding Posts Versus Pages
  • Organize Your Posts with Categories
  • Connect Your Posts Together with Tags
  • Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies
  • Adding a Blogroll of Links to Your Blog

7. Creating and Managing Content with WordPress

  •  Hands On with the Editors
  • Hands on with the New Image Editor in Detail
  • Adding Media to Your Blog and Posts

8. Finding and Using Plugins

  •  Finding Plugins
  • Installing Plugins Quickly and Easily
  • Upgrading Plugins
  • Recommended Plugins

9. All About Themes

  •  Understanding the Structure of WordPress Themes
  • Finding Themes and Choosing the Right One for Your Blog
  • Installing Themes on Your Blog
  • Configuring Extra Features on Themes
  • All About Configuring Widgets
  • Editing a Themes to Make it Your Own
  • Using Theme Frameworks and Parent-Child Themes
  • Theme Best Practices
  • Notes

10. Maintaining WordPress

  •  Updating and Upgrading WordPress
  • Updating Plugins and Themes
  • Database Maintenance for WordPress Users
  • WP-DBManager

11. Project- Build a Non-profit Site Step-by-Step 



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What Is Next?

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What Will You Learn?

  • Learn new things
  • Revamp your career
  • Target IT jobs
  • Sharpen your skills
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  • A laptop or PC
  • Good Internet
  • Routine Study
  • Regular Join Class