If you’re looking to expand your programming knowledge, learn Go programming language online with our comprehensive course. Go, or Golang, is a modern, efficient language designed for scalability and high-performance applications. Our learn Go programming online free course provides you with the tools and knowledge to build robust applications from the ground up, with real-world examples and step-by-step guidance. Whether you’re new to coding or want to add Go to your skillset, this course is ideal for beginners and those seeking a deeper understanding of Go programming.
Go is a statically typed compiled language famous for its straightforward, simple syntax. It addresses the common pitfalls of C while maintaining its performance and interoperability.
Despite this simplicity, Go is designed to handle concurrency. And it suffers from the complexity this entails. Go is also quite idiomatic, which makes best practices a little elusive. Another amazing feature of Go is that like Python, you can write both functional and Object-Oriented codes in Go.
Golang Developer Course
Become a proficient Go developer by enrolling in our Golang developer course, crafted to take you from a novice to a professional in no time. This course covers everything from the basics to advanced topics, preparing you to excel in Golang developer jobs. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create efficient, scalable applications using Go, making you a competitive candidate in the fast-growing world of tech. This hands-on, practical learning experience will equip you with the skills necessary to thrive as a Go developer.
Go Programming Learning Objectives
After finishing this self-paced course, you will learn:
- The setup of a Go environment and how to create a Go file.
- Go’s data types and variables.
- Go’s constants
- Go’s conditional statements.
- Go for and while loops
- Using functions in Go.
- How to import or install Go packages
- How to work with arrays in Go
- How to harness the power of Slices in Go
Go Programming Topics and Subtopics
Here is the course outline:
Click here to download course materials like project source files.
1. Golang Installation, Setup, GOPATH & Go Workspace
2. Hello Golang: Writing first Golang Program
3.1- Golang Variable Declaration & Data Types
3.2- Golang Zero values & Type Inference
4.1- Golang Basics- Numeric Types
4.2- Golang Basics- Characters
4.3- Golang Basics- Numeric Operations
4.4- Golang Basics- Boolean Types
4.5- Golang Basics- Complex Numbers
4.6- Golang Basics- Strings in Go
4.7- Golang Basics- Type Conversions
5. Working with Constants in Golang
6.1- Golang Control Flow- if Condition
6.2- if else Condition & if else if Condition
6.3- Golang Control Flow- switch Statement
6.4- Golang Control Flow- switch Combined Cases
6.5- Golang Control Flow- switch with no Expression
6.6- for Loop and for without Unit & Increment Statement
6.7- for Infinite Loop, Loop with break & continue
7.1- Declaring and Calling Functions in Golang
7.2- Functions with Multiple return Values in Go
7.3- Returning an error Value from a function in Go
7.4- Functions with Named return Values in Go
7.5- Blank Identifier in Golang
8.1- The main package and main() function in Go
8.2- Creating and Managing Custom Packages in Go
8.3- Adding and Managing 3rd Party Packages in Go
9.1- Declaring Arrays in Golang & Accessing array Elements
9.2- Initializing arrays Using an array Literal in Go
9.3- array Value Types in Go
9.4- Iterating over arrays in Golang
9.5- Iterating over arrays Using Range in Go
9.6- Multidimensional arrays in Golang
10.1- Creating & Initializing a slice in Go
10.2- Create slice from array or another slice in Go
10.3- Modify a slice in Go
10.4- Get & Extend Length and Capacity of a slice
10.5- Creating a slice Using Built-in make() Function in Go
10.6- Copy slices in Go
10.7- slice append in Go
10.8- slice append capacity and append nil in Go
10.9- slice of slices in Go
10.10- slice Iterate for Loop, Range & Range Blank Identifier
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Private Tutoring Classes
To take skills you learn from this course to the next level, taking the following tutoring classes are highly recommended. It is also a great opportunity to discuss your questions and problems related to this course with an experienced instructor:
- Private tutoring sessions for software design and engineering- Weekly and monthly plans
- Go programming language- Private tutoring sessions
What Is Next?
After finishing this course, you can enroll in any of following classes:
- Introduction to Database Design
- Learn SQL Programming by Examples
- Intro to Blockchain Technology
- Introduction to Linux OS
- Intro to Linux Bash Scripting