Last Update: Aug 07, 2024

Essential practical guide for Graph database development

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About Course

Graph database development training

In this course you learn how to design and develop Graph databases especially in the Neo4J platform.

The real world is richly interconnected, and graph databases aim to mimic those sometimes- consistent, sometimes-erratic relationships in an intuitive way. Graph databases are extremely useful in understanding big datasets in scenarios as diverse as logistics route optimization, retail suggestion engines, fraud detection and social network monitoring.

Take fraud detection as an example. Financial institutions and insurance companies lose billions of dollars every year to fraudsters. But many of them now rely on graph database to successfully uncover fraud rings by bringing previously hidden relationships to light.

But it’s not only this focus on relationships that makes graph database so powerful. A whiteboard data model that’s flexible and scalable to evolve along with your data; an intuitive query language that makes writing queries simple; and agility that saves your company valuable time all make graph database stands out from other NoSQL offerings and traditional relational database (RDBMS) technologies.

If you wish to learn about other databases, taking the following courses is recommended: Intro to database designIntro to SQL programming, and Intro to NoSQL database design with MongoDB.


Topics and Subtopics

Below is outline of optics covered in this course.

1- Graphs Are the Future

2- Why Data Relationships Matter

3- Data Modeling Basics

4- Data Modeling Pitfalls to Avoid

5- Why a Database Query Language Matters

6- Imperative vs. Declarative Query Languages

7- Graph Theory & Predictive Modeling

8- Graph Search Algorithm Basics

9- Why We Need NoSQL Databases

10- ACID vs. BASE Explained

11- Aggregate Stores Tour

12- Other Graph Databases

13- Native vs. Non-Native Graph Processing


Good knowledge of database logics, concepts and design.

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Private Tutoring Classes

To take skills you learn from this course to the next level, taking the following tutoring classes are highly recommended. It is also a great opportunity to discuss your questions and problems related to this course with an experienced instructor:

What Is Next?

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  • Revamp your career
  • Target IT jobs
  • Sharpen your skills
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