Last Update: Aug 02, 2024

Learn Python OOP by Examples

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Learn Python Object-Oriented Programming

In this course you learn how to do Python Object-Oriented Programming by following a hands-on project step-by-step. This self-paced course is a continuation of our previous Intro to Python course. Right after taking this self-paced course, you can take our Intro to Machine Learning and data science, data analytics and data visualizations with Python courses.

In this course, you learned how to:

  • Define a class, which is a sort of blueprint for an object
  • Instantiate an object from a class
  • Use attributes and methods to define the properties and behaviors of an object
  • Use inheritance to create child classes from a parent class
  • Reference a method on a parent class using super()
  • Check if an object inherits from another class using isinstance()


One-to-One Live Python Classes

Coding Bootcamps school offers One-to-One Live Python Classes for Beginners.


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What Will You Learn?

  • Learn new things
  • Revamp your career
  • Target IT jobs
  • Sharpen your skills
Free access this course


  • A laptop or PC
  • Good Internet
  • Routine Study
  • Regular Join Class