Introduction to Hyperledger Sawtooth


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Hyperledger Sawtooth

Hyperledger Sawtooth is another general-purpose blockchain framework under Hyperledger Umbrella for building both distributed ledgers:

  • Compared to Fabric, Sawtooth is more similar to a public blockchain such as Ethereum, but still maintains some design principles.
  • Hyperledger enforces modularization, configurability, and flexibility in plugging in different implementations.
  • It maintains a cryptographically linked chain of transaction blocks, has a peer-to- peer validator network for relaying transactions between nodes, and relies on the gossip protocol to propagate all transactions to all nodes in the validator network.


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While Fabric is a permissioned blockchain, Sawtooth supports both permissioned and permissionless blockchains. Permissions are set at both the network level and the local validator configuration level:

  • At the network level, its task is to configure who has permission to join the validator network.
  • At the local validator configuration level, it controls whether the validator has permission to access and process the transactions and messages.


Unlike other private blockchains such as Hyperledger FabricCorda, or Quorum, where a sensitive or private transaction may not be accessible to all nodes, all transactions in Sawtooth are stored in validators in the network; it relies on the local permissions to enforce transaction privacy.
The consensus in Sawtooth, by design, is pluggable too. Consensus algorithms can be configured at the network level during the initial validator network’s setup. They can be switched during the transaction process too. By default, it supports the Proof of Elapsed Time (PoEt) consensus protocol, although a voting-based consensus in RAFT is under development. PoET is a Nakamoto-style lottery-based consensus algorithm that relies on Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX) to select a validator to create blocks based on random waiting times, without using the PoW algorithm.

Similar to Fabric, Sawtooth supports smart contract development in many different programming languages, such as Java, JavaScript, Go, and on. In addition, it supports Solidity and Rust too, which are quite successful in the Ethereum community. One notable difference with transaction processing in Sawtooth is the ability to batch the transactions and ensure all or nothing when processing all the transactions in a batch. This could be quite useful for an enterprise that’s dealing with some business scenarios with large, complex transactions.


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