Last Update: Aug 07, 2024

Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 programming

  • Free

About Course

In this course you learn how to code in HTML and CSS to build websites. Practical skills you learn from this course are essential for becoming a web designer.

Learning Objectives

In this self-paced course you will learn:

  • Creating simple pages
  • Marking up and formatting text
  • Adding links and images
  • Design elements- color, background, and page layout
  • Basics of graphics

Topics and Subtopics

The following outline is covered in this course:

1. Where Do I Start?

  •  Where Do I Start?
  •  What Does a Web Designer Do?
  •  What Languages Do I Need to Learn?
  •  What You’ve Learned

2. Creating a Simple Page

  •  A Web Page, Step by Step
  •  Before We Begin, Launch a Text Editor
  •  Step 1: Start with Content
  •  Step 2: Give the Document Structure
  •  Step 3: Identify Text Elements
  •  Step 4: Add an Image
  •  Step 5: Change the Look with a Style Sheet
  •  Validating Your Documents
  •  Element Review: Document Structure

3. Marking up Text

  •  Paragraphs
  •  Headings
  •  Lists
  •  More Content Elements
  •  Organizing Page Content
  •  The Inline Element Roundup
  •  Generic Elements (div and span)
  •  Some Special Characters
  •  Putting It All Together
  •  Element Review: Text

4. Adding Links

  •  The href Attribute
  •  Linking to Pages on the Web
  •  Linking Within Your Own Site
  •  Targeting a New Browser Window
  •  Mail Links
  •  Telephone Links
  •  Element Review: Links

5. Adding Images

  •  First, a Word on Image Formats
  •  The img Element
  •  A Window in a Window (iframe)
  •  Element Review: Replaced Elements

6. Basic Table Markup

  •  How Tables Are Used
  •  Minimal Table Structure
  •  Table Headers
  •  Spanning Cells
  •  Table Accessibility
  •  Wrapping Up Tables
  •  Element Review: Tables

7. Forms

  •  How Forms Work
  •  The form Element
  •  Variables and Content
  •  The Great Form Control Round-up
  •  Form Accessibility Features
  •  Form Layout and Design
  •  Element Review: Forms

8. Cascading Style Sheets Orientation

  •  The Benefits of CSS
  •  How Style Sheets Work
  •  The Big Concepts
  •  Moving Forward with CSS

9. Formatting Text

  •  The Font Properties
  •  Changing Text Color
  •  A Few More Selector Types
  •  Text Line Adjustments
  •  Underlines and Other “Decorations”
  •  Changing Capitalization
  •  Spaced Out
  •  Text Shadow
  •  Changing Lists Bullets and Numbers
  •  CSS Review: Font and Text Properties

10. Colors and Backgrounds

  •  Specifying Color Values
  •  Foreground Color
  •  Background Color
  •  Playing with Opacity


11- HTML Tables- Exercise


12- HTML Form- Exercise


13- Project 1- Build personal website


14- Project 2- Build a homepage like



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Private Tutoring Classes

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What Is Next?

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What Will You Learn?

  • Learn new things
  • Revamp your career
  • Target IT jobs
  • Sharpen your skills
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  • A laptop or PC
  • Good Internet
  • Routine Study
  • Regular Join Class