Learn PHP programming by examples- Beginner Level
About Course
In this course you learn how to coding in PHP programming language for building secure scalable back-end applications.
This hands-on self-paced PHP programming course provides you with the knowledge necessary to design and develop dynamic, database-driven web pages. PHP is a language written for the web, quick to learn, easy to deploy and provides substantial functionality required for e-commerce. This course introduces the PHP framework and syntax, and covers in depth the most important techniques used to build dynamic web sites.
Learning Objectives
In this self-paced course, you will learn the following:
- Creating and modifying a PHP page
- Working with variables and data types
- Using Constants
- Adding comments
- Employing different data types
- Working with operators
Topics and Subtopics
Here is the course outline:
Session 1: Getting started with PHP
1.1: HTML output from web server
1.2: Hello, World!
1.3: Non-HTML output from web server
1.4: PHP built-in server
1.5: PHP CLI
1.6: Instruction Separation
1.7: PHP Tags
Session 2: Variables
2.1: Accessing A Variable Dynamically By Name (Variable variables)
2.2: Data Types
2.3: Global variable best practices
2.4: Default values of uninitialized variables
2.5: Variable Value Truthiness and Identical Operator
Session 3: Variable Scope
3.1: Superglobal variables
3.2: Static properties and variables
3.3: User-defined global variables
Session 4: Superglobal Variables PHP
4.1: Suberglobals explained
4.2: PHP5 SuperGlobals
Session 5: Outputting the Value of a Variable
5.1: echo and print
5.2: Outputting a structured view of arrays and objects
5.3: String concatenation with echo
5.4: printf vs sprintf
5.5: Outputting large integers
5.6: Output a Multidimensional Array with index and value and print into the table
Session 6: Constants
6.1: Defining constants
6.2: Class Constants
6.3: Checking if constant is defined
6.4: Using constants
6.5: Constant arrays
Session 7: Magic Constants
7.1: Difference between FUNCTION and METHOD
7.2: Difference between CLASS, get_class() and get_called_class()
7.3: File & Directory Constants
Session 8: Comments
8.1: Single Line Comments
8.2: Multi Line Comments
Session 9: Types
9.1: Type Comparison
9.2: Boolean
9.3: Float
9.4: Strings
9.5: Callable
9.6: Resources
9.7: Type Casting
9.8: Type Juggling
9.9: Null
9.10: Integers
Session 10: Operators
10.1: Null Coalescing Operator (??)
10.2: Spaceship Operator (<=>)
10.3: Execution Operator (“)
10.4: Incrementing (++) and Decrementing Operators (–)
10.5: Ternary Operator (?:) 56
10.6: Logical Operators (&&/AND and ||/OR)
10.7: String Operators (. and .=)
10.8: Object and Class Operators
10.9: Combined Assignment (+= etc)
10.10: Altering operator precedence (with parentheses)
10.11: Basic Assignment (=)
10.12: Association
10.13: Comparison Operators
10.14: Bitwise Operators
10.15: instanceof (type operator)
Related Courses
- Web Design with WordPress
- Intro to Joomla CMS
- Introduction to Drupal CMS
- Learn Node.JS, Express.JS and MongoDB
- Web Development with PHP & MySQL
Complete Training Bundle
If you are serious about learning web design and development, you should enroll in Coding Bootcamps school Web Design and Development Training Bundle. This bundle covers all essential and practical topics related to web development. For $290 monthly subscription, you can have access to 300+ hours of hands-on project-based training covering all courses related to web development like JavaScript, PHP, JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular and many more. Click here to learn more.
Private Tutoring Classes
To take skills you learn from this course to the next level, taking the following tutoring classes are highly recommended. It is also a great opportunity to discuss your questions and problems related to this course with an experienced instructor:
- Web design and development tutoring sessions- Weekly and monthly plans
- PHP, MySQL and PHP Object-Oriented Programming- Private tutoring sessions
What Is Next?
After finishing this course, you can enroll in any of following classes:
- Learn PHP Programming by examples- Intermediate level
- Intro to PHP OOP
- Web Design with Bootstrap
- Intro to Angular.JS Framework
- Intro to React.JS Framework
- Vue.JS Framework
- Introduction to Database Design
- Learn SQL Programming by Examples
- Introduction to Linux OS
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