Jump into modern web development with our comprehensive course to learn React JS online. This beginner-friendly guide covers everything from how to learn React to building dynamic, efficient web applications using one of the most popular JavaScript libraries.
In this course you learn how to use JavaScript React framework to build complex front-end applications.
In this in-depth self-paced course for experienced JavaScript developers, you will gain a thorough understanding of what React is and how it works, along with practical hands-on experience creating a React application from scratch. You will understand the problems that React can help you solve, gain a deeper understanding of JSX, work with form components, implement React styles, and learn how to integrate unit tests for React components.
React JavaScript Basics
Our course covers React JavaScript basics which includes practical React JS basics, helping you master both core concepts. With hands-on lessons, you’ll understand how JavaScript powers React and how to create responsive user interfaces with ease.
ReactJS Learning Objectives
You will learn the following:
- Setting up your ReactJS Development Environment
- Introduction to JSX
- Creating a simple React Application
- Forms
- Component Life Cycle
- Conditional statements in React
- Event Handling in JSX
- React Styles
- React Router & Navigation
- Unit Testing
ReactJS Topics and Subtopics
The following outline is covered in this course:
Session 1- Getting started with React
Section 1.1- What is ReactJS?
Section 1.2- Installation or Setup
Section 1.3- Hello World with Stateless Functions
Section 1.4- Absolute Basics of Creating Reusable Components
Section 1.5- Create React App
Section 1.6- Hello World
Section 1.7- Hello World Component
Session 2- Components
Section 2.1- Creating Components
Section 2.2- Basic Component
Section 2.3- Nesting Components
Section 2.4- Props
Section 2.5- Component states – Dynamic user-interface
Section 2.6- Variations of Stateless Functional Components
Section 2.7- setState pitfalls
Session 3- Using ReactJS with TypeScript
Section 3.1- ReactJS component written in TypeScript
Section 3.2- Installation and Setup
Section 3.3- Stateless React Components in TypeScript
Section 3.4- Stateless and property-less Components
Session 4- State in React
Section 4.1- Basic State
Section 4.2- Common Antipattern
Section 4.3- setState()
Section 4.4- State, Events And Managed Controls
Session 5- Props in React
Section 5.1- Introduction
Section 5.2- Default props
Section 5.3- PropTypes
Section 5.4- Passing down props using spread operator
Section 5.5- Props.children and component composition
Section 5.6- Detecting the type of Children components
Session 6- React Component Lifecycle
Section 6.1- Component Creation
Section 6.2- Component Removal
Section 6.3- Component Update
Section 6.4- Lifecycle method call in different states
Section 6.5- React Component Container
Session 7- Forms and User Input
Section 7.1- Controlled Components
Section 7.2- Uncontrolled Components
Session 8- React Boilerplate [React + Babel + Webpack]
Section 8.1- react-starter project
Section 8.2- Setting up the project
Session 9- Using ReactJS with jQuery
Section 9.1- ReactJS with jQuery
Session 10- React Routing
Section 10.1- Example Routes.js file, followed by use of Router Link in component
Section 10.2- React Routing Async
Session 11- Communicate Between Components
Section 11.1- Communication between Stateless Functional Components
Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS as well as good knowledge of JavaScript.
Related Courses
- Intro to Angular.JS Framework
- Web Design with WordPress
- Vue.JS Framework
- Intro to Joomla CMS
- Introduction to Drupal CMS
- Web Design with Bootstrap
- User Experience Best Practices
- Intro to Search Engine Optimization
Private Tutoring Classes
To take skills you learn from this course to the next level, taking the following tutoring classes are highly recommended. It is also a great opportunity to discuss your questions and problems related to this course with an experienced instructor:
- Web design and development tutoring sessions- Weekly and monthly plans
- React JS framework- Private tutoring sessions
What Is Next?
After finishing this course, you can enroll in any of following Coding Bootcamps school classes:
- Learn Node.JS, Express.JS and MongoDB
- Learn PHP Programming
- Intro to PHP OOP
- Web Development with PHP & MySQL
- User Experience Best Practices
- Intro to Search Engine Optimization