Last Update: Aug 07, 2024

Obtaining Docker certification

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About Course

Obtaining Docker certification

Docker is an extremely powerful tool for running and managing containers. Currently, Docker is the industry-leading container runtime platform and offers a colossal number of features revolving around container management, plus orchestration.

This Coding Bootcamps school live course serves as preparation for learners who seek to pass the Docker Certified Associate certification exam offered by Docker. Ultimately, the certification exam aims to validate one’s skills as a Docker practitioner. In this course, we will dissect both the concepts and objectives needed to use Docker effectively. Learners will also uncover how to leverage core features contained within Docker Community Edition (DCE), as well as the additional features offered through Docker Enterprise Edition (DEE).

Learning Objectives

In this course, we cover the following Docker topics:

  • Orchestration
  • Image Creation, Management, and Registry
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Networking
  • Security
  • Storage and Volumes

Topics and Subtopics

Here is the course outline:

Lesson 1 – Introduction

  • Docker Certification Training Introduction
  • Course Overview
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Why Docker
  • Overview of Certification Exam

Lesson 2 – Understanding Docker

  • Understanding Docker Overview
  • Docker Architecture Engine And Objects
  • Docker Architecture InAction
  • Docker Architecture Container Format
  • Images And Containers
  • Containerization And Virtualization

Lesson 3 – Docker CE on Linux Platform

  • Docker On Linux Platform
  • Installation: CentOS
  • Deploy, Login, Exit Container
  • List,Start, Stop Restart Containers
  • Containers on Filesystem
  • Working with Containers Hostnames
  • Multiple Containers
  • Stats Inspect
  • Deleting Containers
  • End of Module

Lesson 4 – Docker Networking

  • Docker Networking
  • None Network
  • Container Networking
  • Bridge Network
  • Host Network
  • Disconnect And Add Network
  • Introduction to Overlay Network
  • Create New Networks
  • Exercise: Use Custom Networks
  • Remove Networks
  • Multiple Networks In Container

Lesson 5 – Docker Images

  • Docker Images
  • Docker Images: Recap
  • Docker Images CLI Commands
  • Docker Images CLI Commands: Contd
  • Search and Pull Images from Docker Hub
  • Build Image using Dockerfile
  • Build Image using Commit
  • Push Images to Docker Hub
  • Docker file Instructions

Lesson 6 – Docker Storage and Volumes

  • Docker Storage and Volumes
  • Docker Storage Drivers
  • Selecting Storage Driver
  • Persistent Storage
  • Manage Application Data
  • Docker Volumes
  • Docker Bind Mounts
  • Docker tmpfs Mounts
  • External Storage

Lesson 7 – Docker Compose

  • Docker Compose
  • Case for Docker Compose
  • Compose Installation
  • Compose Lab

Lesson 8 – Orchestration Docker Swarm

  • Docker Swarm
  • Concepts of Swarm
  • Create Swarm
  • Maintain Swarm
  • Deploy Services to Swarm
  • Updates to Services
  • Managing Swarm Services
  • Secrets and Overlay Network
  • Docker Stack



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What Is Next

After you submit your intake form and register the course, we will put you in an upcoming class based on your availability. Once we confirm your class schedule, we will email you your final class schedule.

IMPORTANT: To make the most of your training, it is highly recommended to add your class schedule to your personal calendar and attend all class sessions. We do NOT offer make-up sessions if you miss a session.


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What Will You Learn?

  • Learn new things
  • Revamp your career
  • Target IT jobs
  • Sharpen your skills
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  • A laptop or PC
  • Good Internet
  • Routine Study
  • Regular Join Class