Unlock the full potential of your website with our course on Learn WordPress coding. You’ll learn to build WordPress websites from the ground up, gaining the skills needed to customize themes, plugins, and functionality according to your specific needs.
In this course you learn how to develop WordPress themes and plugins by doing coding in PHP, HTML, and CSS.
There’s a lot of overlap between theme and plugin development in WordPress. Both themes and plugins rely on core functions and APIs, especially the Options API. In this session, you’ll learn about these common functions and development concepts, and how WordPress theme and plugin files are organized.
If you’re curious about WordPress development, you probably opened the files of a theme or plugin before you took this course, or perhaps you started reading the WordPress core code itself. You probably saw a lot of functions that confused you, like () and do_action(). This doesn’t look like any PHP you’ve seen before. What is all this stuff?
Custom WordPress Website Development
Take your skills further with custom WordPress website development. This course provides in-depth insights into custom WordPress development, allowing you to create unique, tailored solutions that enhance user experience and elevate your website’s performance.
Advance WordPress Learning Objectives
In this course, we will teach you the way WordPress handles theme and plugin functions, settings, data validation, and translations. Along the way, we build a custom university website from ground up. We show you all detail steps for customizing a WordPress site like changing theme functions or adding and publishing a new plugin.
Advance WordPress Topics and Subtopics
Here is the course outline:
I. Intro to WP theme and plugin development
- Requirements
- Theme and Plugin Files
- Working with Hooks
- Actions
- Filters
- Removing Hooked Functions
- Avoiding Recursive Actions
- Prioritizing and Troubleshooting Actions and Filters
- Using the Options and Settings APIs
- Adding an Options Page
- Registering Settings and Creating Defaults
- Creating the Options Form
- Updating Options
- Deleting Options
- Writing Secure Themes and Plugins- Sanitizing and Validating Input
- Text and HTML
- Email Addresses
- Numbers
- Escaping Output
- HTML and Attributes
- JavaScript
- Escaping MySQL Queries
- Checking Capabilities
- Checking Nonces and Referrers
- Translations: Localization and Internationalization
- Other APIs
- Developing in Debug Mode
II. Create a WP theme
- Requirements
- Building the First Theme Files
- stylesheet
- Creating the Index Template
- Including Common Files
- Post Content: The Loop
- Template Files
- Template Hierarchy
- Conditional Tags
- Theme Functions
- Modifying Themes the Right Way: Child Themes
- Modifying the Loop: An Introduction to the Query
- Multiple Loops
- Accessing Post Information Outside the Loop
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Adding Scripts and Stylesheets
- Creating Theme Options
- Creating Theme Frameworks for Large Sites
- Outside the Theme Hierarchy: Database Errors and Maintenance Messages
- Responsive Design and WordPress
- Distributing Themes
III. Creating WP Plugins
- Get Started
- Extending User Profiles
- Creating Template Tags
- Creating Shortcodes
- Creating Settings Screens
- Variations on Settings Screens
- Creating Widgets
- Dashboard Widgets
- Publishing a Plugin
Good knowledge of HTML, CSS HTML5/CSS3, WordPress, MySQL, PHP and PHP OOP. Also, basic knowledge of JavaScript is highly recommended.
Related Courses
- Drupal Customization with Coding
- Intro to Joomla CMS
- Introduction to Drupal CMS
- Web Design with Bootstrap
- Joomla Customization via Coding
Private Tutoring Classes
To take skills you learn from this course to the next level, taking the following tutoring classes are highly recommended. It is also a great opportunity to discuss your questions and problems related to this course with an experienced instructor:
- Web design and development tutoring sessions- Weekly and monthly plans
- PHP, MySQL and PHP Object-Oriented Programming- Private tutoring sessions
- WordPress development and customization- Private tutoring sessions
What Is Next?
After finishing this course, you can enroll in any of following Coding Bootcamps school classes:
- Intro to HTML 5 and CSS3
- Advance HTML5 and CSS3
- User Experience Best Practices
- Intro to Search Engine Optimization
- Intro to Angular.JS Framework
- Intro to React.JS Framework
- Vue.JS Framework
- Introduction to Database Design
- Introduction to Linux OS