Last Update: Feb 25, 2024

Intermediate Level Linux Bash scripting by hands-on examples

  • Free

About Course

In this course you learn how to perform advance tasks in Linux.

Learning Objectives

In this hands-on self-paced course you will learn:

  • How to write and run shell scripts
  • Using conditional constructs to control script execution
  • Manipulating strings
  • Command-line processing
  • Using regular expressions
  • String processing utilities: sed,grep and awk
  • Counting words, lines and characters
  • Working with compression utilities
  • Writing functions
  • Managing processes
  • Using the ksh and bash commands
  • Working with UNIX I/O streams

Topics and Subtopics

The following outline is covered in this course.

1- Introduction

  • Comparing Popular Shells
  • Korn Shell Compatibility for Bash
  • Korn and Bash Shell Advantages
  • Korn and Bash Shell Disadvantages
  • Versions of ksh and bash
  • Shell Command Syntax
  • Comments
  • Continuing a Command on Multiple Lines
  • Special Characters
  • Pattern Matching
  • Complex Pattern Combinations
  • Tilde Expansion

2- Process Management

  • Process Priority
  • Background Jobs
  • Signals
  • Traps
  • DEBUG and EXIT
  • ksh Co-Processing
  • bash Co-Processing
  • Pausing
  • Time and Date
  • Scheduling Execution
  • Run Commands Later
  • Aliases
  • How the Shell Finds Commands
  • Command History and Editing

3- Writing Scripts

  • Shell Programming Language
  • Reserved Words
  • How to Write and Run Scripts
  • Debugging
  • Data Types
  • Using Variables
  • The typeset Command
  • Constants
  • Special Predefined Variables
  • Printing to the Screen (echo, print)
  • The printf Command
  • Accepting Input with ksh
  • Accepting Input with bash
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Floating-Point Numbers
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Grouping Operations
  • Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal
  • Indexed Arrays
  • Quoting
  • Command Substitution

4- Advanced Customization of the Shell Environment

  • Command Line Options
  • The set command
  • Parents and Children
  • Inheritance
  • Exporting
  • Dot Scripts
  • Startup Scripts
  • Environment Variables
  • Setting Prompts in ksh and bash

5- Programming Logic

  • Conditional Expressions
  • Testing Strings
  • Testing Options
  • Numeric Conditions
  • Testing Completion Status
  • Truth in Korn and Bash Shells
  • The case Statement
  • Loops: while and until
  • The for Loop
  • Menus and the select Statement
  • Redirection and Loops
  • When to Use Different Constructs

6- Advanced I/O with Streams

  • Redirection Review
  • Opening Additional Streams
  • Redirection Operators
  • Inheriting and Duplicating Streams
  • Caution with exec
  • here Documents

7- String Manipulation

  • String Comparison
  • String Relations
  • Concatenation
  • Substring Manipulations
  • Wildcards and Pattern Matching

8- Security

  • Process Ownership
  • suid and sgid
  • Restricted Shells
  • Other Security Features
  • The newgrp Command
  • Statement blocks
  • case Statement

9- Command Line Processing

  • Getting Data Into Scripts
  • Manipulating Positional Parameters (set, sort, shift)
  • Analyzing Switches with Getopts Options
  • Reserved Variables (OPTARG, OPTIND, IFS)
  • Setting Default Values

10- Performance and Porting Issues

  • Improving the Performance of Scripts
  • Timing Commands and Scripts
  • System Resources
  • Setting Limits
  • Portability Issues

11- Overview of File Manipulation Utilities

  • Editing a File from a Script
  • Scripting with ed or sed
  • UNIX and Linux Utilities to Manipulate Files
  • Regular Expressions
  • grep and egrep
  • The Stream Editor sed
  • Sorting in Scripts
  • Generating Reports with awk
  • Splitting Large Files
  • Counting Words, Lines, and Characters
  • Transforming File Contents
  • Extracting Text Strings

12- Additional File Processing Commands

  • Examining and Comparing Files
  • Reporting Differences Between Files
  • Comparing Files of Any Format
  • Displaying Data in Octal and Hex
  • Compressing Data
  • Converting File Formats

13- Functions

  • Writing Functions
  • Returning Value from Functions
  • Returning String Output
  • Local and Global Variables
  • Defining Functions
  • ksh Autoload Functions

14- Compound Commands

  • Pipelines
  • Command Lists
  • And and Or Lists
  • Background Jobs
  • Command Grouping
  • I/O Redirection


Good knowledge of Linux commands and Linux Bash Scripting.

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